Finding a self care idea is easy, you can scroll online anywhere and find a bunch of things to do.

But finding a self care idea specific to you is another thing.

Say, you’re following a one-week self-care challenge. All of them require you to stay at home but you’re an extroverted person and like to spend time with people.

All of these self care ideas may not be for you then.

That’s why its important for you to engage in a self care idea/ activity that benefits YOU.

If you haven’t already done your personality test, go and do it now. Or, if you already have and know your four-letter personality type, scroll down and find your self care idea/s that is specific to your personality type!

This is the first part of the ‘SELF CARE IDEA – Find One That Suits Your Personality Type’ series. In this post, I have given ideas for all the introverted personality types.

Head over to part 2 to find your personality type if you are extroverted.

But first, let’s find out what different forms of self-care you can experience.


What are the four categories of self-care?

Physical – to do with your body

Emotional – to do with your relationship with yourself and others

Psychological – to do with your mind, and how you learn and grow

Spiritual – to do with your spiritual self/ purpose


Along with these four categories, some people also focus on four other areas in their life where they can practice self care


What are the eight areas of self-care?/ What are the eight components of wellness?

The four above AND

Social self-care: to do with the people around you

Professional self-care: to do with taking care of yourself in the professional environment whether it be with your colleagues, or following your purpose and attending career events

Environmental self-care: to do with your surroundings i.e. home environment, workplace

Financial self-care: to do with your relationship with your money


The following list will give you a self care idea for each of these categories! If you want, you can even create an 8-day or 8-week self-care plan where you focus on the eight areas of wellness in your life.

Make sure you download the free Mini Life Planner to get worksheets, checklists, tips and challenges to work on your self-love and self-care goals further!


business woman taking notes and talking on phone - professional self care (self care idea)


What are some self-care ideas?/ What should I do for Self-Care Day?


ISTJ’s are goal driven, focussed and organised individuals so it is important to take time out to relax and recuperate so that you can have productive days everyday! The main thing here would be to take time out to relax and not follow routines.

Physical – Identify some body goals (like toning up, or working on your figure) and find a work out plan or challenge.

Emotional – Create a set amount of time each week where you turn your phone off and shut off from the world

Social – Invite family over for dinner and have some well-needed down time

Psychological – Start a book about mindfulness, and practice mindfulness techniques in your life

Spiritual – Think about what gives you a sense of purpose, and create a plan on how you want to achieve it

Professional – Set goals for your personal projects, and reward yourself when you have achieved them

Environmental – Be spontaneous and go out one day

Financial – Be impulsive and treat yourself to something that you really want



ISFJ’s are helpful, caring individuals who find it hard to express their feelings. They love structure in their lives and their preferred learning method is a hands-on ‘doing’ experience.

Physical – Try out a physical activity that makes you think, like rock-climbing

Emotional – Speak to a close friend/ family member about something that’s been bothering you

Social – If there’s something you don’t want to do, say no. Your comfort is first, it doesn’t matter if everyone else is doing it. Don’t be a sheep 🙂

Psychological – Help out in your local elderly care home, or volunteer to read books to children. You love the feeling of helping people so make it a weekly or monthly thing!

Spiritual – If you find it really hard to express your feelings, try journaling your thoughts. Write in any way you want and remove the load from your mind.

Professional – Create a morning routine that prepares you for the work day; this may mean packing a nutritious lunch, getting your things together, or having a morning coffee that keeps you alert you throughout the day.

Environmental – Keep your day organised by keeping a clean home environment

Financial – Buy yourself something that you’ve really wanted and take care of yourself as well!!


picture of a journal


ISTP’s hate routines and love new experiences. They are great at keeping a cool head but sometimes may find it hard to reveal their feelings. They are results-driven and love thrilling experiences.

Physical – Identify some body goals (like toning up, or working on your figure) and find a work out plan or challenge.

Emotional – Speak to a close friend/ family member about something that’s been bothering you

Social – Book a fun experience like race car driving or bungee jumping

Psychological – Learn a new skill

Spiritual – Go camping and spend some time in nature

Professional – Find a job where everyday is never the same OR if you already have a job, try to tackle the tasks in different ways

Environmental – Surround yourself with a good support system where you know you won’t be judged

Financial – Save money for your next holiday!



ISFP’s are kind and sensitive and like to surround themselves with a close group of loved ones. They tend to focus on the present rather than the future and are more likely to be ‘doers’ rather than ‘dreamers.’ Despite this, they do like to keep their options open to see what may change, and this can sometimes cause a delay.

Physical –Focus on getting enough sleep everyday so that you can be at your best

Emotional – Research on how to be more decisive and firm; being indecisive can often become a form of anxiety

Social – Come out of your shell and speak to others

Psychological – Work on your confidence skills

Spiritual – Learn about something you are passionate about

Professional – Set a 1 week plan of what you will do, and then create a 1 month plan, 3 month plan, 6 month – keeping structure is a great way to stay productive.

Environmental – Cut down on technology time

Financial – Create a financial plan to achieve one of your goals



INFJ’s enjoy helping others but they must have time alone. They are good at making their dreams into actions, staying organised, and being empathetic and yet strong in their own beliefs. When making decisions, they rely on both their emotions and logic.

Physical – Get into the habit of keeping a bottle of water beside you to fuel your busy mind!

Emotional – Have lazy time. INFJ’s have a contradicting nature, so it is important to shut off and relax.

Social – Speak to people in topics you are passionate about to hear their views, and also learn at the same time

Psychological – Do something productive during your alone time

Spiritual – Build further on your strong beliefs, and educate yourself

Professional – Make an action plan for your dream

Environmental – First use your heart and then your mind. If it doesn’t feel right but is good for you in principle, think about whether you would enjoy it in the long term. Try to work with your contradicting nature to find a balance.

Financial – Learn how to organise your money and keep track of ingoing and outgoing payments.


trees in a forest (self care idea)


INFP’s are creative, introverted individuals who like being alone. They like to delay making decisions, and when they eventually do it is based on personal value rather than logic. They also wish to make the world a better place.

Physical – Take a walk in nature and get your creative juices flowing

Emotional – Research on how to be more decisive and firm; being indecisive can often become a form of anxiety

Social – With your close friend, try out a creative activity (like a poetry slam)

Psychological – Journaling will help you become more expressive (here’s some unique journal prompts for you!)

Spiritual – Since you make decisions based on your personal values, work on building your self-esteem and self-respect

Professional – Have a side hobby that allows you to use your creativity

Environmental – Volunteer in a charity and help the world

Financial – Research into a topic that you are passionate about and make a financial decision into it. This can be something charity-based, or even investing.



Creative Hobbies For Adults That Will Take You Back To Your Childhood!



INTJ’s are perfectionists. They are hardworking, analytical people that focus on logic over subjectivity and emotions. They like to be in control and make plans way ahead of time.

Physical – Make a good meal plan to fuel your body

Emotional – Talk about your feelings with a friend

Social – Plan an outing to spend some quality time with your friends/family

Psychological – Being a perfectionist is hard. Tell yourself its okay if something doesn’t come out exactly as you wanted, you can learn from it and try again.

Spiritual –  Let go of the reins and watch life go by sometimes. Allocate a set amount of time each week to just… be.

Professional – Try and take on leadership roles

Environmental – Keep your environment clean and tidy

Financial – Invest your money in something that you are passionate about or believe you will get a good ROI on.



INTP’s are great at thinking outside of the box and are open people who do not like planning. They like to have a small group of friends and they value intellect over emotion, and are extremely objective and logical.

Physical – Try to take a cold shower in the mornings, it increases blood circulation and reduces muscle soreness

Emotional – Spend a day with your loved ones

Social – If a friend has made a plan with you, honour your commitment and friendship and make sure you stick to your word

Psychological – Start some online courses and further your understanding of topics

Spiritual – Have a conversation with someone about some ideas you have

Professional – Start a business, or work on something that allows you to use your thinking skills

Environmental – Head out for a walk and visit a museum/ gallery

Financial – Invest in books or courses on a theoretical concept you are interested in


inside of a museum


Even if you don’t do the things that are in your list above, focus on taking care of all these eight areas of your life, or what people like to call the eight components of wellness.

Self-care is doing enjoyable, relaxing things but also doing practical, necessary things that will make your life easier.

Have you found your self care idea? Or are you looking for the list of self care ideas for extroverted personality types? (click here for them!)


If you would like some other self care/ self love ideas, have a read of these:

Ideas For Self Care When Driving Alone (Easy & Life Changing!)

How A Hygge Lifestyle Is Your Cure To Stress

Journal Prompts For Self Love (18-WEEK CHALLENGE!)

How To Do Home Décor With Plants To Improve Mental Health

Positive Affirmations In The Morning To Elevate Your Day

The Ultimate ‘Mind Glow-up’ Series (Part 1) – SELF LOVE

Find Out Which Studio Ghibli Film Is Perfect For You!