These ideas for self care when driving alone is yes, a set of quite unusual self care ideas but ones that can actually positively impact in your life in many ways.

We read about self care Sunday ideas, self care plans and self care days but what about practicing self care when doing a mundane activity like driving?

Do not fear, these self care ideas for mental health and rejuvenation aren’t distracting tasks that will take your focus away from the road, they will just help you utilise your time whether it be a long drive or a short drive.

When you think about it we end up spending a lot of time in our cars whether it be commuting for pleasure or going to work five days a week. So why not put these hours to use and do something that will benefit your mental health and your life in general?

These self care activities to do in the car will not only help you mentally, but can help you organise your life and enrich your mind.

Make sure you download the FREE Mini Life Planner for more self-care ideas and other tips & activities on all the key areas of your life.

The mini life book cover (focussing on self love, confidence, productivity and organisation)

What are some fun activities/ ideas for self care when driving alone?

1. Treat yourself at a drive through

Buy yourself a quick snack or drink to have as you drive. For some of you, this may be something that you do all the time but for those of you who hardly do this (maybe because you don’t have enough time), one day leave early from home, take your time and get yourself a drink.

Have something that you really want, even if you want a wrap first thing in the morning!

This self care idea, while it may be very simple, is great if you’re a really busy person. Stop somewhere and eat your food in silence or watch your favourite show on your phone. This little moment to yourself may be just what you need to keep you going throughout the day.

2. Listen to podcasts/ audiobooks

This is a great time to listen to an episode of your podcast or a chapter from a book. Nourish your mind with new ideas and knowledge, and use this time to learn.

If there’s a topic that you’re really interested in but don’t have the time to sit down and research about it listen to a podcast covering that topic. Similarly, if there’s some books you haven’t had the time to read, listen to it in your drive. Listening to content rather than reading it could be a really nice change, and may even be easier for you to retain the knowledge.

Here’s a list of Books To Read In Your 20’s To Be More Aware Of The World if you’re looking for some good books to listen to. 🙂

3. Take a drive on a scenic route

This idea for self care is a great alternative if you’re having a lazy day and need some fresh air but can’t be bothered to take a walk.

If you work from home, it can be really refreshing to go on a drive on a scenic route after a stressful day. Ideally, it would be best to take a walk but if you want to go further out, take the car there and make sure you come out of it and have a quick walk for even just five minutes.


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4. Talk aloud to yourself

Personally I think this is the best self care idea when driving alone because you can use it to combat stress.

Shout, scream, sing and cry as you drive by yourself to wherever you need to go. There is no one next to you, and you are completely by yourself so use this time to reflect on life and talk to yourself about recent issues you’ve been facing.

Yes, you can use this time to vent but also look for solutions to your issues.

It’s great to talk to people about your is

sues, and to journal about it but talking aloud to yourself is really useful as well. It’s because you don’t need to hold back and you can talk about whatever you want.

road leading to forest and mountains (ideas for self care)

5. Organise your day/ week

If you’ve got a busy day or week ahead of you, you can run through all the things you need to do as you drive. Even better, make a mental schedule of what’s coming up so that you can write it down later.

If you’ve got internet on your phone, schedule alarms, events and tasks in your t0-do lists by using voice recognition. Of course, don’t take your phone out and use it by hand but if you’ve got something urgent you need to do later on (say, 5pm dentist appointment), quickly create an alarm so that you don’t forget later.

6. Take a different way home

If you don’t have time for walks or long drives in scenic areas, take a different way home every now and then.

It’s nothing special in terms of ideas for self care, but it can actually be really refreshing. You may notice things in this new route that you didn’t before, and it could be just the little change you need to make your day a bit better.


How to keep your car ‘self-care ready’

These next set of ideas for self care will be focussed on how to create an environment in your car that helps you practice self-care in your drives.

1. Keep your car clean

One of the best ways to do this is to keep a handheld vacuum in your car so that you can clean up whenever there is any mess. You can even create a schedule of when you give your car a wash/clean.

Also, buy some boot organisers/ storage bags and keep items like antibacterial wipes, car sprays, and any other personal essentials you might need in an emergency.

The best environment for self care is a clean space because if you’re trying to listen to a podcast in the middle of mess, you’ll be focussing more on the mess than the podcast!

car going through a car wash

2. Keep some magazines/ books in your glove compartment/ behind seats or in the boot

This idea for self care care activities to do while in your car is when it is stationary, the handbrake is on and you’re not driving.

During the times you’re waiting for someone or something, having a magazine or book to read is a good way of practicing self care.

Because face it, sometimes your friends can take what feels like hours to come.


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3. Keep your car smelling nice

Buy some car sprays and give your car a good spray every time you come in. (I’ve also seen these car diffusers that you can leave on while you drive, but that may be a bit much…)

You can also buy personalised air fresheners if you really want to go there. (lol) If seeing a loved one on your air freshener makes you feel happy, go for it!

If you’re the type of person who remembers a memory or mood by scent, start spraying your car with the smells you like so you feel at peace whenever you’re in there.

4. Buy a mini fridge

This is by far the most extra thing here, but if you like the sound of having a mini fridge in your car by all means, buy it.

You can store your favourite drinks and snacks so that whenever you’re peckish, you can just see what you have in your mini fridge in your car.

How bougie is that?

woman driving car (ideas for self care)

So guys, what is your favourite self care activity? And could you find a way to do them in moments where you’re not doing anything else? (it doesn’t need to just be in a car)

I want to emphasize though, please DO NOT do anything dangerous while driving. Your hands should be on the wheel at ALL times and you should always be focussed on what is happening on the road ahead of you.

If you’re doing that, then creating a comfortable driving experience shouldn’t be an issue at all.

For more self-love/ self-care content, have a read of:

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