These tips for self care will give you what you need to make sure you hit all of your self care goals.

Practicing self care is extremely important to better your mental health and reduce anxiety and low moods. Its because practicing self care means that you give yourself time to work through your own thoughts and feelings. Its a time when you can attend to your needs and wants.

If you’re looking for some self care ideas to do, I’ve written a post called Ideas For Self Care (THAT ACTUALLY WORK!!)

If you’re looking for other related self care posts, see below:

Ideas For Self Care (THAT ACTUALLY WORK!!)

Creative Hobbies For Adults That Will Take You Back To Your Childhood!

Ideas For Self Care When Driving Alone (Easy & Life Changing!)

How A Hygge Lifestyle Is Your Cure To Stress

Also, make sure you download the Mini Life Planner (its free!) to make the most out of your self love and self care journey!



What can self care look like?

The thing that people do wrong when it comes to self care is that they don’t take it seriously.

That doesn’t mean you need to take the fun out of it, but it just means if you want to see results you need to be consistent and effective at what you do.

I really don’t want to make it sound like a strenuous thing to do, but if you want to improve the quality of your hair, you need to have a consistent routine and effective products that suit your hair type. I

f you want to increase your confidence, you have to constantly challenge yourself to do things that will successfully gain you more confidence.

That saying, self care of course looks different for different people. It’s because each and every person has different needs.

For the people who want to improve their physical needs such as having clearer skin or a better diet, they would do things like having a weekly facial or creating a weekly meal plan.

For the others who need to do deeper work such as figuring out self esteem issues, they may do things like attending therapy sessions, and doing deep work to do with their mental health.


sea and sunset - tips for self care

How can you motivate myself to take care of yourself?

1. Find self care ideas that suit you

To figure this out, think about the areas of your life that you want to improve or want to spend more time on.

You might want to increase your knowledge on a certain topic (yes, studying can be a form of self care -.-) or spend more time being mindful.

As well as creating an initial list of self care ideas you want to do, throughout the week add things onto your list of things you wanted to do but didn’t have the time to do.

Definitely have a read of the following posts to find out the self care ideas that suits your personality type:

SELF CARE IDEA (Part 1) – Find One That Suits Your Personality Type

SELF CARE IDEA (Part 2) – Find One That Suits Your Personality Type


2. Create a schedule

This tip for self care is the ‘consistent’ part.

The first point focusses on efficiency as you have now found the self care ideas that suit you (what’s the point of reading a book if you prefer watching movies? – don’t force yourself to follow the self care ‘aesthetic’).

Now to gain results from your self care idea, you need to be consistent. Create a schedule of when you want to practice your self care idea.

If you lack motivation or discipline to get things done, you’re going to want to have a read of these posts:

Motivation Is The Key To Success (Why You’re Not Achieving Your Goals)

How To Be A Disciplined Person & ACE LIFE!!

If your self care idea is more of an every day thing (like being more mindful), you can do something like having a 5 minute meditation every morning to get you into the zone, or jotting down 5 things you noticed throughout the day in a journal.

coffee and schedule

3. Prioritise mental self care over physical self care

This is an extremely crucial point.

There’s no point focussing on how big and fancy the house looks outside if the walls are crumbling within.

It all starts with yourself, how you feel, what your thoughts and how you are as a person.

Before starting any self care goal, the main tip for self care is to focus on your mental health.

I understand that mental health is a constantly changing thing, its not as simple as feeling one emotion at the same time. But if you have major mental health issues, I suggest for you to start on those.

Then, do the other things. Of course, if doing things like reading and painting are things you really enjoy do those too, but when starting out with a self care goal focus on improving deep internal issues.



The Ultimate ‘Mind Glow-up’ Series (Part 1) – SELF LOVE

The Ultimate ‘Mind Glow-Up’ Series Part 2 – SELF DEVELOPMENT


4. Read 1 personal development book every 3 months

Education is key when it comes to anything, and you should take it just as seriously when it comes to your mental health.

Apart from reading articles, have you ever dove into a book that goes through mental health concepts at depth? It doesn’t even necessarily have to be about mental health, but can be about other topics you want to learn about that will improve your life.

I’m currently reading Grace Beverly’s Working Hard, Hardly Working: How to Achieve More, Stress Less and Feel Fulfilled.


5. Reward yourself when you have reached a self care goal

Start off with one main self care goal (of course, you can still practice self care every day in other ways but this will be one sole thing you are putting proper effort into to get results).

Then break it down into mini goals with mini deadlines. If you can’t do that, you can do progress pictures or notes every week or so.

When you have gotten to the place you wanted to be at, reward yourself.


chocolate cake - tips for self care

6. Reassess how you are at the end of the month

At the end of the month, look back at all your achievements and congratulate yourself for them. Set new goals that will help you develop yourself further and then evaluate how you are doing every month or so.


Quick tips for self care – How to stay on track

1. Practice self care every day

Practicing five minutes of self care every day is a great mood booster, and therefore will keep you motivated to complete your self care goal.


2. Limit negative talk

In this list of tips for self care, this point is one of the most important.

Speaking negatively to yourself is just a pathway to disappointment. Whenever you tell yourself off because something went wrong, look at the other side of it.

What did you learn from this situation? What can you do next time?

Similarly, limit negative thoughts and talk not just to yourself but also when it comes to external things.

Don’t moan and complain about how everything is hard for you when something small goes wrong. First of all, that’s annoying and secondly, you need to make sure you have tried fixing the problem before ruining your mood.

The best way to tackle problems is to stay positive.


3. Make your self care goal a group effort

A great way to get you motivated and on track is to do it in a group! For example, if you want to read more books start a book club with your friends and discuss a book once a month.


4. Switch things up every now and then

Try out different forms of self care and don’t feel the need to stick to a certain routine all the time. Make it fun!

For example, if we go back to that idea of starting a book club with your friends it might be that you’re not an avid reader which is why you wanted to start reading more.

But, if the process of reading to educate yourself starts seeming boring or strenuous then practice your self care goal in other ways.


woman looking at herself in the mirror

These tips for self care will hopefully give you some ideas of what self care ideas are good for you and also how to implement them in your life.

The most major point out of these tips for self care is to prioritise your mental health. Because, if you don’t take care of yourself within there isn’t any point in looking fancy on the outside.

Practice self care for your SELF. Not for anyone else.

Do things that make you feel good about your SELF and want you to do more.

If you liked this post, share some of your thoughts in the comments below! What is your tip for self care that you would like to share?