Habits For Health For All Aspects of Your Life

Having good habits for health encompasses not just your physical health but also your mental health. It is essential to build good habits so that you can make the most out of your life.

Letting go of bad habits and starting good habits for health will not be a smooth process. There will be days where you’re doing really well and other days where you’ve completely fallen off and can’t be bothered to stick to it.

Either way, as long as you can eventually go back to working on your habits that’s all that matters.

For example, if one of your goals is to gain weight and for that you need to start eating consistently, it doesn’t matter if you have a few days where you eat inconsistently. So long as you go back to working on it and you have that determination to form that habit, success will come to you!


Habits for Health (Food & Consumption)


1. Meal prep

If you are always on the go or just don’t enjoy the process of making food from scratch every day, start meal prepping!

This healthy habit can be used by anyone whether you’re a student or in employment. It’s cost effective, healthy and time efficient as you won’t be spending loads of money on buying takeout every day.

You will also be having food you made from scratch (so you know exactly what is in it as opposed to takeout).


2. Drink 2 litres of water a day

Drinking water has so many benefits – some being improving your attention and keeping your skin clear.

If you really don’t like drinking water, try flavouring it with lemon or the juice of fresh fruits so that you can  get used to it.



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water (habits for health)


3. Reduce your intake of red meat

Red meat is high in protein so it is good for you. But, studies have stated that consuming it regularly can make you more prone to have health problems such as heart disease and certain cancers.

Have other sources of protein instead like fish or chicken and for vegetarians/ vegans chickpeas and eggs.


4. Let go of bad eating habits

Things like late night binging, skipping meals, snacking a lot and eating a lot of processed food doesn’t only affect the body but is a bad habit for your mental health too.

If you’re an emotional eater, figure out what made you start and how you feel after you have done eating.


Habits for Health (Physical)

1. Correct your posture & do stretches

Regularly do exercises to improve your posture and stretch your muscles before and after a workout or just on a rest day.

This will prevent things like back pain, neck pain and joint pain as well as other mobility issues.


2. Stop looking at that weight scale!

Rather think about how you feel and how you look in the mirror.

Also, if you realise that a workout you used to find hard has gone easier or your current weights feel lighter, that is an achievement!

Don’t make the weight scale your only definer of success.


3. Weight lift

You might be hitting the gym and doing as much cardio as you can. But, did you know there is another way to cut fat and increase your metabolism?

Weight lifting is a great activity to incorporate in your life whether you’re male or female. It betters your posture, health and makes it easier for you to lose fat and tone up.


4. Have a good amount of sleep

Having at least seven hours of sleep each day is a great habit for health. While you sleep, your body goes through various recovery processes and if you don’t give yourself enough time to rest, your body will not have enough time to recover.


5. Go outside

Going outside and having a walk in nature is a great way to clear your head or start your day in a good mood.

It is also useful in limiting feelings of anxiety and stress as you have a change of scenery and other things to look at.

Make it a habit to go outside regularly and get away from your phone. Spend some time with your friends or simply go for a walk to your local shops. It’s a great way to feel refreshed after a crazy day.


forest scenery (habits for health)


Habits for Health (Mental)

1. Have regular technology detoxes

This habit is essential for your mental health.

Set time every now and then to have a technology detox (i.e. come off social media, stop watching Youtube, stop texting people etc.).

You’ll find so many other things to do that are more beneficial for you such as reading, taking walks or even starting a new hobby.


2. Learn how to manage your stress

Identify the triggers that make you feel stressed.

Typically, these triggers are usually the same so if you can figure out what they are and stop them from happening, you can cut stress drastically.

For example, if one of your stress triggers is when your house gets really messy, a habit for health that you can work on is to spend ten minutes everyday cleaning up. This will prevent a build-up of mess and reduce stress in your life.


3. Embrace gratitude

You can write down five things you are grateful for in the night or in the morning. You can make a long gratitude list or practice gratitude in other ways.

One great way to embrace gratitude is by giving back through charity or volunteering.

Check out the Mini Life Planner to get a free gratitude worksheet that you can use everyday!


4. Don’t judge others

This may not seem like a habit but just like people say gossiping is a bad habit, so is being judgemental.

Look at the good side of people, don’t focus on the negatives. Also, understand that everyone’s life is different and just because they’re living it in a certain way that is different to yours, it doesn’t mean they’re wrong.


5. Journal

There are many journaling habits you can start: gratitude journal, morning/ evening journal, 5-minute journaling a day as well as countless others.

Journaling is like a mini form of therapy. It helps you unload pent up feelings and feel lighter.



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Habits for Health (Productivity)

1. Create schedules/ routines

Routines are a great way to begin habit formation. Over time, you’ll just start expecting to do something at a certain time (like reading at 9pm) because its what you do every day and you have gotten used to it.

Having schedules is also great for forming habits for health. For example, you can designate certain days to certain things like cleaning days or self care days.

Being organised is good for stress management and habit formation as you know exactly what to expect.


2. Challenge yourself

Making it a habit to constantly challenge yourself is a fantastic life skill and is great for personal growth.

Challenging yourself will make you stronger as a person as you will learn new things about yourself as you pass each obstacle.


3. Educate yourself

Educating yourself on topics that interest you keeps you aware of what happens in the world and broadens your mindset.

Set aside ten minutes a day to learn something new whether that be through an article or a video.


4. Follow the 5-minute rule

Book your dentist appointment the moment your letter comes, or as soon as you can. Tidy up your book shelf as soon as it gets messy. Put your laundry away as soon as it is dry.

These small 5 minute tasks make a world of difference when you do them straight away. Even though they seem quick, if you leave them to build up you might have to spend an entire Sunday catching up on chores and errands.

The 5-minute rule is great for habit formation and can be used for a variety of tasks.


Having good habits for health is essential in living life to the fullest.

Start creating good habits now by just choosing one area of your life to work with. That might be being consistent with your skin care routine, or making sure to read everyday.

Whatever you choose, start slow and then build up bit by bit.

Habits are the building blocks of success. The better habits you have, the stronger you will be as a person.