In this second part of learning how to repent our sins, we will look at the step-by-step process of repentance as well as if there’s a difference in repenting for major/ minor sins. 


Did you know that there’s a chance for you to rise in Allah’s favour even after committing sins just with the simple action of always turning back to Him (SWT) and asking for forgiveness? 

You would think you were better off having not committed the sin at all right? Wrong. You could become even closer to him than before you committed the sin because you repented. 

Allah loves those who repent, and He loves to forgive. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that if people were not sinners, Allah would have replaced them with people who did sin and who would seek His forgiveness. (1)

This shows that it is not wrong that we sin.  

What is wrong is that we continue doing that sin, don’t repent for it and don’t stop. 

I used to think that the act of sinning itself was so bad. Why did humans sin at all? Why can’t we control it? 

But, after reading this, Alhamdulillah it made me feel so much better. Sinning is in our nature, but we need to actively work on it.  

And do you know what’s even crazier? When you constantly turn back to Allah and repent for your sins, you could even be elevated beyond the rank of the angels, who are sinless beings with no will and who must listen to all of Allah’s (SWT) commands.  

How amazing is that? 

Before you continue, read the first part of the series which gives an introduction to repentance and how Allah feels when you repent to Him.


Image of light coming from clouds (how to repent our sins)

Adam’s (AS) Trial

Shaitan was overjoyed when Adam (AS) sinned and was dismissed from Heaven. But after his arrival to Earth, Adam’s (AS) Tawbah became even better, and so his rank became elevated while on Earth. 

Even Musa (AS) asked Adam (AS) how, after all the favours he received from Allah (SWT), did he cause himself and ultimately the whole of mankind to be dispelled from Jannah. (2)

Adam (AS) responded by saying that Allah had ordained for this to happen to him and it was his decree that eventually humankind would inhabit the earth. So, how can he be blamed for something Allah SWT planned before him?

Nor, can the blame be put on Allah (SWT). We are here because Allah decreed us to be here, but He has certain expectations of us to live up to while we are here.

Therefore, if Adam (AS), a Prophet, fell into sin it is natural that we will too. But Adam (AS), used the time after the sin to reflect, repent and get stronger. This is something we should be doing as well.  


Major and Minor Sins 

I used to think repenting for major and minor sins were two separate things.  

I thought that even if you repented for a major sin, Allah wouldn’t forgive you for it. But Allah is Oft Forgiving and Most Merciful. 

Never fall into the trap that Allah (SWT) will never forgive you because your sins are too many and/ or too great. These are Shaitan’s whispers trying to misguide you.

As soon as you follow the process below meaningfully and intentionally, expect that Allah has forgiven you, learn from it and move on. 

Shirk is the most major out of the major sins as it is a direct transgression against the central tenet of Islam, which is monotheism. The belief that there is no God but Allah is what defines us Muslims and not believing this is a major sin.  

Every sin has the possibility to be forgiven but shirk is the only one that if you die upon it, Allah SWT has made a covenant to punish you.  

BUT, if you find your way while you are alive and return to the monotheistic principles of Islam, make sincere Tawbah and take the various actions to gain acceptance of your repentance before death, you will be forgiven.  

(which goes back to my point of we should learn how to repent our sins now and repent for them sooner rather than later <3 ) 


Image of pathways (how to repent our sins)


How to Repent Our Sins 

The Step-by-step process for how to repent our sin 

  1. Recognise the sin and admit it to yourself and to Allah
  2. Feel regret for it and stop it immediately
  3. Seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT)
  4. Make a genuine promise to yourself and to Allah that you will never do it again

From the research I was doing, Dr Zakir Naik also says to undo the sin if you are able to. For example, returning an item you have stolen. (3)

With these four simple steps, your repentance will be accepted, and the sin will be wiped out. Simple.  

You don’t need anyone to be present, not a witness, not an Imam, no one. This is between you and your Lord, and having that honest conversation with Allah and following these steps is enough to ask for forgiveness.  

What if you repeat this same sin again even after promising to Allah and seeking forgiveness from Him? 

All you have to do is repeat the same process above. Every time you make that promise, sincerely have that intention that you will never do the sin again. If you fail again, as long as you repent again and again and again, this sin will be repeatedly wiped clean. 

Don’t feel shy or embarrassed to cry over your sins. Allah already knows what is in your heart, it shows the sincerity of your heart to not only Allah but to yourself and may be the release you need.  

What’s more, don’t feel like you can’t cry or feel remorse if you keep on committing that sin again, and again, and again. Every time you repent, Allah rejoices and forgives. Do not listen to the whispers of Shaitan and think you’re not good enough. 

Allah (SWT) is closer to you than your jugular vein, He understands your efforts so keep trying! 


Image of someone making Dua with tasbeeh (how to repent our sins)



As I said before, Allah doesn’t expect us to be sinless and spotless, He knows we will mess up. But, all that matters is that we turn back to Him, learn how to repent our sins and ask for forgiveness, that’s all. 

Even if you have committed the most heinous deeds, but genuinely want to change and give it up for the sake of Allah (SWT), repent. Then, that deed is wiped clean from your record like it never happened. 

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that Allah is shy when His servant raises his hands to him to sincerely makes dua’ for their hands to come back down empty and their dua’ unanswered. 

SubhanAllah! Allah is shy when we ask Him for something? When we boldly sin without a thought towards Him? This just shows the all-encompassing love, mercy and generosity Allah has for us.  

So, constantly turn back to Him, raise your hands to the sky and ask for forgiveness from Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem, and watch as all of your anxieties and troubles fade away.  



If you would like a resource to help you plan out which sin you will work on, you can save the worksheets below!

worksheet 1

worksheet 2


Sources Used: 

(1) Allah Loves Repentance by Omar Suleiman (2020)

(2) The Beginning and the End with Omar Suleiman: Musa vs Adam (Ep69) (

(3) How can I Repent to Allah? – Dr Zakir Naik (