Introduction – How To Build a Connection with Allah SWT  

The most important connection we have in our lives is with our Lord, and learning how to build a connection with Him is imperative if we want to achieve success and happiness in life. 

Sadly, many of us have been brought up with this notion that the main thing Allah SWT wants to do is to punish us. Attention is given to the hellfire, to sinning, and how angry Allah will be with us if we do something wrong.  

But did you know, that for every good deed we do He may record up to 70 times or 100 times worth that good deed, and that for every bad deed, it is only put down as 1 bad deed on our scales? 

This is just one of the many, many, many mercies Allah has given us. 

If you want to know how to build a connection with Allah SWT, let go of any previous negative thoughts you may have had before and be open to learning more about Islam. 

I guarantee you that putting time and effort into this will be the best thing you ever do.  

Not only will it benefit your Hereafter but you will feel the benefits of it every day in this world. 

In this post, I will be covering additional things you can do for how to build a connection with Allah.

I’m sure everyone knows the most basic acts such as praying Salah on time, reading Qu’ran, giving to charity, visiting the Masjid etc. so I will not be focussing on them.  

But, if you would like me to do a post on this, let me know in the comments below and I will be more than happy to write about it! 

Now let’s begin! Bismillah. 


Seek knowledge  

One of the best ways for how to build a connection with Allah SWT is to learn more about Islam. 

Make a list of all the things you want to learn about in Islam (historical events, Prophet Muhammad pbuh’s life, stories of Prophets AS etc.). 

This will help you understand the religion better and make you feel closer to the religion, and therefore, Allah. 

Here are some great series you can watch to kickstart your learning journey (both on YouTube). 

The Firsts | The Forerunners of Islam (Yaqeen Institute)

Builders of a Nation | Ramadan Series 2023 (Dr Haifaa Younis)


Appreciate Guidance 

Learn from others and be open to guidance.  

Having a conversation about something can be a great way to learn new things and retain the information as you are actively engaging and asking questions. 

You may even learn some things that may change your whole way of thinking.  


someone taking notes in a notebook (how to build a connection)


Change your social gatherings  

Instead of going out for a meal with your friends every time, why not change things up and see what events are happening in your area or local mosque? 

Halaqahs, lectures and seminars are a great way for you to learn more about Islam and find others like you who share the same passion.  

After going to these events, you can then go out for a meal and now have a much more interesting discussion over what you have learned about.  

You can even start Quran study clubs, Islamic study clubs, and go on hikes to immerse yourself in knowledge and the beauty of Allah’s creation.  


Work on your character 

Having good character is very important in Islam.  

Even if you complete your five prayers a day and engage in other Islamic activities but have bad character, it doesn’t mean you will definitely be entering Jannah. 

The first three people to enter Jahannam are a scholar, a charity-giver and a martyr, all because they had bad character. 

Part of how to build a connection with Allah involves looking inwards, realising one’s flaws, and then working on them.  

A great way to do this would be to read up on the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and learn from the great qualities of Allah’s chosen final messenger. 


Focus on your mental health 

Following on from the point in developing good character, mental health is something that is prioritised in Islam too. 

Taking time for yourself will allow you to be more open to others as well as new ideas. 

Tackling mental health issues will also teach you how to be grateful for everything Allah has blessed you with, and also be appreciative of how He has helped you in your mental health journey. 


Take baby steps and be consistent  

Allah wants the best for you, He wants you to succeed. 

When you take a few steps towards Allah SWT, He comes running towards you. 

Start off with the basics such as praying all your Salah and then incorporate the extra acts bit by bit (for example, Adhkar, attending lectures etc.).  

Then build on that over time.

Increase your Adhkar, how much Qu’ran you read, how many voluntary prayers you do.

But, do it slowly rather than in one go. This will prevent you from inconsistency and failure.  


baby footstep shapes on yellow background 



Engaging in Adhkar is such an easy thing to do but holds such weight. You can do it straight after prayer, on your way to work, or even while doing your chores at home. 


So keep your tongue wet with Adhkar and get those bonus points so you can have the best position in Jannah! 


Taqwa and Tawakkul 

Having Taqwa means to have a fear and awareness of Allah as He is always present. 

Having Tawakkul means to completely trust Allah SWT and be reliant upon Him. 

At the end of the day, everything that you have and do is because Allah allowed it. 

All of your achievements are because Allah allowed you to have it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have it, no matter how gifted you may be. 

This can be a confusing concept as we live in a world that focuses on individualism and being the best. It is also focussed on working hard for yourself so that every achievement is something YOU’VE done. You did it, while others didn’t. 

But, the truth is, you only did it because Allah wanted it, not because of your hard work. Because He wanted you to achieve it, He allowed you to work hard to achieve it.  

Engaging in acts that will build your connection with Him will bring prosperity and goodness in your life as you are living for Islam and Allah SWT which is the true purpose of life. 



Did you know your sins can be wiped away from your slate if you repent for them the right way? 

Yes, there is a step-by-step process for how you can repent.  

Find out how in the posts below: 

How To Repent A Sin (As a Muslim)

How To Repent Our Sins (Including a Step-by-Step Guide)

Muhammad (Pbuh) also said to make wudhu and pray two rakats every time you sin and Allah will forgive you. Repenting often will also strengthen your connection with Allah, even if you’ve committed that sin one hundred times. 


Talk to Allah 

Therapy and talking to others are important but your first point of contact should always be Allah SWT. 

He is always there watching and listening, so speak to Him at any time. Talk to Him about your joys and worries and ask Him to help you.  

Pray Tahajjud and Istikharah to be even closer to Him and to seek answers.  

There are so many ways to speak to Allah, whether it be in Salah or simply sitting and speaking to Him in your Head. As you slowly get comfortable in this routine of speaking to Him, this will build your connection with Him.  

prayer mat and Tasbih (how to build a connection)


Cry to Allah 

At first it may feel a bit awkward speaking to Allah in your head but, as you get used to it, you’ll find that it’s something you never ever wish will go away. 

That constant conversation shows that you are building a connection with Him SWT. Cry to him, speak to him, tell Him of your frustrations and desires. Then once you have cried it out, leave it with Him.  Allah has ultimate control over your affairs and the best thing you can do is leave it with Him and trust that He will do the best for you. Because He will. 


Remember death often 

I used to find this such a morbid statement but it is so necessary.  

Death is inevitable and unavoidable; we also don’t know when it will happen to us.  

This life is a test by Allah. The real life begins in the Hereafter, after death. 

Remembering death often will keep you focussed and driven towards attaining the ultimate goal of entering Jannah. Yes, it is scary, and I’m not saying you shouldn’t be scared of it. But it’s going to happen.  

Set goals and intentions for the hereafter. For example, rather than saying you will wake up early and be productive for worldly tasks, wake up early because you want to do Tahajjud and you want to read the Qu’ran in the early hours of the morning. These acts are much more beneficial than worldly productivity. 

I’m not saying those things aren’t important. They are, but they are not as important as Islam. 

At the end of the day, all those millionaires and billionaires you see on the telly will not be here forever.

What will their money do for them after death?  

Or rather what is that money doing for the people who are already dead? 

Shift your focus and attach your heart to the hereafter rather than to the world.  


Think about Allah’s mercy and learn His Names 

Learning about Allah will obviously help you build a connection with Him. 

One of the best ways to do this is to learn all of His names as well as the meanings of them. 

Here are some of the meanings of Allah SWT ‘s names. 

 الرَّحْمَنُ, AR-RAHMAAN, The Beneficent 

 الرَّحِيمُ, AR-RAHEEM, The Merciful 

 الْمَلِكُ, AL-MALIK, The King 

 الْقُدُّوسُ, AL-QUDDUS, The Most Sacred 

 السَّلاَمُ, AS-SALAM, The Source of Peace, The Flawless 

 الْمُهَيْمِنُ, AL-MUHAYMIN, The Preserver of Safety 

From these few names, we can see the many positive, beauty qualities of Allah. He is our Source of Peace, our Safekeeper and the most Merciful. 

Start dismantling those negative beliefs you had about Allah and build a connection with Him that is based on positivity and dependence on the Greatest of all. 


Practice gratitude 

Think about all Allah has given you as well as all He has saved you from in the past as well as in the present.  

Don’t think about the ‘what ifs’ when thinking about the past. What was meant to happen happened and what was not meant to happen was not meant for you. He may have saved you from a calamity or given you something way better than what you thought. 

Allah knows what’s best for you and your current situation in life is where you’re meant to be. Trust Him and rely on Him and be grateful that you have such a supportive Protector watching over you. 

Learn to enjoy and appreciate the little and the big things – the fact that you can wake up in the morning and have a glass of water, that you can enjoy the beauty of Allah’s nature around you and most importantly, that Allah allows you to get up every day and try again. 

This life is temporary and it is important to be appreciative of what you have now rather than comparing with others.  



How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

someone holding green plants in the sunset (representing gratitude)

Conclusion – How To Build A Connection with Allah

Allah’s names are Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem (The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful), He loves us more than our mother loves us, He wants the best for us.  These beautiful qualities of Allah are further reflected in the rest of His 99 names. 

Islam and your connection with Allah SWT is the most important thing over everything else. More important than money, your relationship with your spouse or your connection with your mother. 

With Islam, you will feel unstoppable. With that connection you have with Allah you will feel strength and peace. 

Every day you wake up and get another chance to perfect your Salah or work on your Deen in some way is another chance Allah is giving you. Because He wants you to do the best you can before you leave this world. 

Never give up, and hold onto this connection. This is the greatest thing you will ever do.  


How to Build a Connection with Allah SWT (Activity):

Think of one thing you can do to build your connection with Allah, then plan when you will do it.

Make sure it is small and something you can realistically achieve.

Some ideas can be:

  • Sitting in place after Salah and speaking to Allah
  • Creating a list of things you want to research and tackling them one by one
  • Learning ten of Allah’s names a week (as well as the meaning)