How to Balance Deen and Dunya 

In a world of distractions, it can be difficult to know how to balance Deen and Dunya. 

Dunya, as in worldly duties, can end up taking precedence as we get bogged down with studies, work, chores, family, children etc.  

It can be hard to juggle between all these responsibilities and our Islamic responsibilities (such as reading the Qu’ran, doing Dhikr, researching Islam etc.). 

But as we all know, what should be our highest priority is Deen (Islamic duties). 

That saying, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on things you enjoy in this world and isolate yourself to work on your Deen. In fact, there are many things you can do that are for the Dunya that can actually bring you closer to Deen and earn good deeds.  

Contrary to what much of the popular Western media try to make people believe, Islam doesn’t promote extremism.  

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) advised Muslims that ‘The Deen is easy to practice, and whoever makes the religion difficult/rigorous, it will overpower him. So, follow a middle course (in worship), or do something near to it and give glad tidings and seek help (from Allah) at early morning and at dusk and some part of the night.’ (1) 

He is saying to practice balance in Islam and not to be an extremist when it comes to religion.  

There are also many things you can do during your day whilst working on ‘Dunya’-related tasks that will help you rack up points to enter Jannah. 

If you would like to know how to balance Deen and Dunya easily and attain ultimate success both in this life and the next, read on to find out how. 



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1. Don’t be extreme 

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) spent majority of his time as the messenger of Allah promoting the message of Islam but, it didn’t stop him from getting married, having friends and playing with his children.  

Islam doesn’t tell us to cut ourselves off from the world and engage in worship in isolation constantly and without a break. 

As well as spending time to worship Allah alone, spend some quality time with your family as well. Having fun with your family will earn you rewards too as it pleases Allah.  

The Dunya is here as a test for us however, it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it (if the things we are doing are halal). Bring your friends over and host a dinner, take your family out for a picnic and a hike, and use your money for things you enjoy (provided it is not to show off or is not being overspent). 

Enjoy the Dunya but prioritise Deen above it. That means not missing Salah because of a football game, not using all your money to buy designer clothes to show off when you could have given some of it to charity, and not engaging in Haram activities.  

Engage in worship to Allah SWT but spend time with your friends/ family as in Islam, they have rights over you as well. Even your own body has a right over you so take care of your physical and mental health too. (2) 

By doing that, you are not wasting precious time worshipping Allah, you are actually following His order and earning rewards in the process! 


2. Set Intentions 

Intentions are key in Islam. They are also essential in the process of how to balance Deen and Dunya. 

You can earn rewards for doing worldly duties by setting the correct intentions. 

For example, while studying for exams or going to work may seem like a worldly duty, if you do it with the intention of it helping you get a better job in the future so that you can support your family and be independent, you are actually tying Deen into Dunya.  

Therefore, you are successfully balancing Deen and Dunya! 

Always set intentions related to your Deen to any task you are doing for the Dunya and you will end up doubling up on your rewards. 


Scrabble tiles spelling 'plan' ( How to balance Deen and Dunya)

3. Ask Allah SWT to give you Barakah in your Time 

There are so many times during the day where you have the chance to earn a countless number of rewards and get your Duas answered. 

This includes whilst in Sujood, after making Tashahhud and before making Tasleem, the time between Adhan and the Iqamah, on the last hour of Friday (just before sunset), during Tahajjud (the last third of the night), or when it is raining. (3) (4) 

Prophet Muhammad SAW also said that Allah SWT has placed Barakah in the early morning time (especially in the time after Fajr and before sunrise) so use this time to pray Tahajjud, offer Fajr Salah, read the Qu’ran and do Adhkar/ Dhikr before you get ready for work. (5) 

Therefore, another way to balance Deen and Dunya would be to take advantage of these key times of the day and earn as many good deeds as possible before you go off to do your Dunya duties. 

A real-life example of how to balance Deen and Dunya could be: 

After work, you might want to go to the gym (again, going to the gym is a worldly duty that will earn you rewards as you are taking care of your body). After that, you read Qu’ran and make dua as you have some time between Asr and Maghrib.  

Organise your day around your Deen duties, and you will maximise on your rewards. 


4. Be disciplined with your time 

One day, Muhammad SAW saw his wife Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith RA praying as he left for Fajr. When he left and returned after the sun had risen, he saw her in the exact same position. When he asked her what she had been doing up until then, she said shw was praising Allah and declaring His Greatness. 

He then taught her four words that if she were to just say three times, it would be better for her than all she had done from the time the Prophet (pbuh) left to the time he had returned. (6 – see the link for the words) 

Four words over hours of worship! SubhanAllah! 

This goes to show how it is important to be disciplined and efficient with your time. 

Sure, if you have some spare time on your hands, sit down and engage in Ibadah for as long as you can. However, if you have a busy day, busy week, or a busy life in fact, learn these Duas and recite them daily and often. 

I look at them as hacks and mercies that Allah SWT has given us. The fact that just saying those four words can give you more reward than if you were sitting for hours is such an amazing mercy and gift Allah has given us and should not be wasted. 

On the other hand, be disciplined with your time by setting timers on social media and TV use. Don’t allow technology to control you. You take charge of it.  

Plan out your day so that you can make the most of it as everyday could be your last. 



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5. Structure your life around Salah  

Another way for how to balance Deen and Dunya is to structure your day around your Salah. 

Plan tasks/ activities around your Salah rather than somehow trying to get your prayers in during the day. 

Salah is the first thing that protects you in the grave and will be the first thing you are questioned on on the Day of Judgement. 

If Salah is a struggle for you, prioritise that before anything else. Focus on getting all five of your prayers done. Even if that is the only thing you get done in the day that is a bigger success than any worldly task that you may have gotten done.  


Man praying Salah

6. Keep your tongue wet with Dhikr & Adhkar 

Another great tip to double up on your rewards is to do your Dhikr/ Adhkar whilst doing your chores or on the way to work. Basically, any time you are a doing a task that doesn’t require much brain work. 

That way you can earn good deeds whilst tidying your house up at the same time or just on your mundane commute to work! 

7. Don’t give up when you have bad days 

Sometimes there’s just so many things we need to get done for the Dunya that it feels like non-stop chores one after the other. 

Before you know it, weeks have gone by and you haven’t picked up the Qu’ran. 

This can feel very disheartening. 

The best way to make sure you have time for worship every day is to get organised.  

Plan your day the night before, and set some time to engage in Ibadah, even if it is five minutes.  

When asked which actions are most beloved to Allah, Muhammad SAW said that it was consistent actions, even if they were small. (7) 

Every day when you wake up, think about how you can make the day better, make your intention and then go do it. 

Similarly, if there’s a particular sin you are trying to give up but you keep doing it every day even when you intended not to do it, get up and try again. Try harder and harder and make Dua to الرَّحْمَنُ ‘Ar-Rahmaan’ (The Beneficent), الرَّحِيمُ ‘Ar-Raheem’ (The Merciful) as Allah knows hard you are trying and will be rewarding you for your efforts. 


LINKS Used: 







(7) Allah Loves (Omar Suleiman)