How to Learn the 99 Names of Allah 

If you want to know how to learn the 99 names of Allah, here’s some quick ways that will help you with the process. 

In Sahih Al Bukhari (7392), “Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-hundred less one; and he who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise.” To count something means to know it by heart.” (1) 

How amazing is that? 

While the number 99 may sound pretty daunting, they are only individual words and can be learnt easily if you know what to do. 



How To Build A Connection With Allah SWT

How To Repent A Sin (As a Muslim)

How To Repent Our Sins (Including a Step-by-Step Guide)


How to Learn the 99 Names of Allah Tips 

1. Break it down 

Most obviously, if you find memorisation difficult, do not try to learn the 99 names of Allah all in one go and in one sitting. 

Give yourself small goals and stick to them. 

For example, you could aim to learn just one name a day or five names a week. 


2. Learn the names first and then the meanings 

Learning the 99 names of Allah does not just mean learning his names only. You should also be learning the meanings of each individual name. 

For non-Arabic speakers (like myself), this can be a hard thing to do. So, I would suggest learning the meaning soon after learning the name. 

It might be easier for you to learn one name and then the meaning and then go individually. Or you might prefer to learn a number of names and then learn the meanings. 

You may fall into a pattern of robotically learning the meanings especially if you practice them in the same order all the time. 

So, once you have learnt all of Allah SWT’s names, mix the names up and see if you can remember all the meanings. 


3. Invoke His names when making Dua 

Now that you have learnt all the amazing characteristics about Allah SWT, invoke His names when making dua. 

For example, if you had a bad day and feel really anxious, you can call Him السَّلاَمُ ‘As-Salam’ (The Source of Peace, The Flawless), and ask Him to give peace in your heart. 

Maybe you have committed a great sin or a great number of sins, and want to call out to Him to ask for His forgiveness. You can call out to الْغَفَّارُ ‘Al-Ghaffar’ (The Constant Forgiver). 

Or, if you are feeling lost and don’t know what to do in a specific situation, call out to الْهَادِي ‘Al-Haadi’ (The Guide). 

Your connection with Allah SWT will become stronger when you know how to learn the 99 names of Allah and understand the meaning of each name too. 

In some cultures, Islam is almost taught in an intimidating way. So much focus is put on the Hellfire and how Allah is always angry. 

But you’ll notice His names include الْقَيُّومُ ‘Al Qayyoom’ (The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting), الْكَرِيمُ ‘Al-Kareem’ (The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed), ٱلْمُغْنِيُّ ‘Al-Mughni’ (The Enricher), and العَفُوُ ‘Al-’Afuww’ (The Pardoner). 

Not only will you be in awe of all of Allah’s righteous qualities, but learning His names will make you even prouder that He is your Lord.  


Allah's name

4. Recite Allah’s names often 

One of the easiest ways to forget things is when you don’t practice. 

Recite Allah’s names often so that you remember all His names and don’t lose out on all the hard work you did to learn them in the first place! 


5. Listen to others reciting His names 

Again, for the non-Arabic speakers, it may be difficult to pronounce Allah’s names correctly.  

Listen to others on Youtube to learn how to pronounce His names properly. Even if it is not perfect, your intention to learn and say His names properly will be put down as good deeds. 


6. Watch videos delving further into the meanings of Allah’s names 

Another great way of how to learn the 99 names of Allah is to educate yourself on the meanings of His names. 

There are many videos on Youtube you can watch about the meaning of Allah SWT’s names and how they relate to everyday situations.  

Also, keep an eye out at your local mosque or local community to see if they are offering any lectures or seminars on the topic (or just any Islamic topic in general). 


7. Use His names in day-to-day life 

On your way to work today, you may have had to take a different route due to a train closure or bus diversion. While it was frustrating, you discovered a beautiful part of your city or town that you never saw before. 

In this situation, you would say سبحان الله ‘SubhanAllah’ (glorious is Allah). But you can also make a short Dua to Allah and call out to Him using His name الْخَالِقُ ‘Al-Khaaliq’ (The Creator, The Maker) because, you are amazed by the beauty of His creation. 

Another example may be that you’ve been struggling to find a good job for a while that allows you to pray on time and doesn’t require you to engage in any haram activity. Suddenly, a really great Halal job opportunity comes to you.  When you make dua to Allah to thank Him, you can use the name الرَّزَّاقُ ‘Ar-Razzaq’ (The Provider). 

The point I’m making here is to not just call out to Him using His specific names only when you are stressed or in a difficult situation but refer to His Beautiful Names in normal day-to-day activities so that you connect with Him further. 


How to Learn the 99 Names of Allah (Activities) 

Encourage the children in your family to learn Allah’s names by creating charts or flashcards with Allah’s name on one side and the meaning on the other side. Set them goals and tasks such as speaking to you about an experience in their day that reminded them of Allah and what name of His it reminded them of.  

For older members of the family or with friends, choose one name of the 99 names of Allah and ask everyone in the group to tell everyone an experience they had that reminded them of this Name. Encourage discussion by asking questions to different people to prompt others to share their opinions also. 


Flashcards (How to Learn the 99 Names of Allah)

Conclusion (How to Learn the 99 Names of Allah)

Hopefully, this post has given you some ideas of how to learn the 99 Names of Allah SWT. 

When you break it down and take it step-by-step, memorising all of Allah’s Beautiful Names will seem easy for you. 

The fact that there is a chance we will go to Jannah just by learning Allah’s names to the best we can is a mercy that Allah SWT has given us.  

Allah SWT gives us many opportunities to make the most out of our time and earn good deeds to find a great position in the Hereafter. Saying SubhanAllahi Wa Bihamdi 100 times every day wipes out your sins, even if they are like the foam of the sea (3) and, reciting Sayyid-Ul-Istighfar will also grant you Jannah were you to pass away during the night or day. 

He – الرَّحْمَنُ ‘Ar-Rahmaan’ (The Beneficent), الرَّحِيمُ ‘Ar-Raheem’ (The Merciful) – has given us so many chances to make best use of our time to attain the greatest positions on the Day of Judgement/ in Jannah. 

Take advantage of that and start by learning the 99 names of Allah.  

The more you learn and grow, the higher the chances you will succeed in the place where it counts most. The Hereafter.  



  1. Sahih al-Bukhari 7392 – Oneness, Uniqueness of Allah (Tawheed) – كتاب التوحيد – – Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
  2. All definitions of Allah SWT’s names were taken from this link –  99 Names of Allah – Al Asma ul Husna | Islamic Relief UK (
  3. 3.