Inspiring quotes for women are everywhere, be it on Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr or more. And what is the reason for this social media takeover? It’s because quotes have the ability to uplift, motivate and inspire.

When you think about it, its just a few words, but those few words when read in a specific time in your life can completely change your life.

Notice that I said in a ‘specific time of your life’;  reading personal development, inspirational quotes doesn’t mean that every single one you read will change your life. It’s usually a few that when read in a certain point in your life that have the ability to have a great impact.

Another way in which words can have a great impact on your life is through positive affirmations. Practicing positive affirmations regularly can encourage feelings of self-worth. Read ‘Positive Affirmations In The Morning To Elevate Your Day,’ to create your own tailored list of positive affirmations.

Inspiring quotes for women is just one little sub-category in all the quotes there are.

What are some short inspirational quotes?  This post will go through 10 quotes to hopefully motivate and inspire you to work on yourself and your dreams.

Inspiring Quotes For Women

1. Don’t wait for the ‘perfect’ moment, make right now the perfect moment.

inspiring quotes for women

This not only affects women but is in general an inspirational quote about life. Too many people wait for the ‘perfect moment’ to begin, or a moment when they feel ‘its right.’

Sometimes the best thing to do is to just dive straight in and begin. You may feel like you don’t know much, you may feel like you need to learn more and that is perfect. It shows that you’ve developed the right mindset to begin working on your goals and that even though you may not feel ready now, you are capable of eventually achieving so much.

Check out the The Ultimate ‘Mind Glow-up’ Series if you want to bring some order in your life and develop great confidence and strength.

The Ultimate ‘Mind Glow-up’ Series (Part 1) – SELF LOVE

The Ultimate ‘Mind Glow-Up’ Series Part 2 – SELF DEVELOPMENT 

2. Hustling doesn’t mean your only focus is money, it doesn’t mean that you don’t appreciate life, it doesn’t mean you’re materialistic. Being a hustler means you have dreams and goals, and you’re going to work damn hard to achieve them.

inspiring quotes for women

The term ‘hustle’ usually refers to when someone works really hard to achieve their goals, but there is a second, more negative connotation of the word. Some people think the ‘hustle’ culture is not realistic, it takes away from the bigger picture because you’re only focused on money.

I want to ask you, what does ‘hustle’ mean to you? I’ve always though of the word ‘hustle’ as the first definition, but I can understand where people are coming from when it comes to the second definition. Sometimes (especially on social media), it seems unrealistic when you see people buying big houses and fancy cars and you’re out here working hard and still hardly making any money.

So, I want you to redefine ‘hustle,’ or actually redefine what you think success is if you believe it is mostly about gaining an abundance of money. Remember why you started. You started because you were passionate about changing your life, not just making money.

3. Your life is a book filled with chapters and scenes. Don’t hold onto things that ended in the previous chapter, enjoy the new setting, the new characters and the better version of you in this new chapter.

inspiring quotes for women

Let go of things in the past if they affected you negatively, and always look forward. What you should be taking from your past are the lessons; take the things that have helped you grow and develop, and implement it into your life now.

Just because you had a really good year last year and this year isn’t going so well, don’t constantly reminisce about back then.

You are in control of your time and your thoughts, enjoy now and focus on now. In every single moment of life, there is a chance to make a beautiful memory.

Read the ‘Self confidence & Independence: the foundations of success’ series to learn how to gain success in your personal life, your relationships with others, your mental and physical health, your personal finances and in achieving your dreams and goals.

Self confidence & Independence: the foundations of success PART 1 

Self confidence & Independence: the foundations of success PART 2 

Self confidence & Independence: the foundations of success PART 3 

4. The picture of success is different for everyone.

inspiring quotes for women

Write a list down of all the things you would personally need in your life to feel successful. Don’t think about anyone else, think about what you want.

Once you’ve created the list, break each section down into actionable steps you can take to reach that mini-goal.

5. Another woman’s achievements isn’t your defeat.

inspiring quotes for women

Please, please, please do NOT be that girl that feels spiteful/ jealous/ resentful when another woman has achieved great things.

I had to add this quote in this list of inspiring quotes about women because too many times, women are pinned against each other. Think about the amount of movies or books you’ve read where the girls can’t stand each other and they’re both fighting over some guy that’s probably more happy about the fact that he’s got two girls fighting over him than confused about which one to choose.

Unfortunately, when we are young we’re exposed to these depictions of women and we have to learn to unlearn it.

Once upon a time, women didn’t have the right to vote. Now, we have women in senior positions in the government, in the arts field, in law, all of them doing amazing things every day.

Women have it tough in this world, and it shouldn’t get tougher because they’re all fighting and getting jealous of each other. Her achievement is not your defeat.

If someone does something great in their life, use it as motivation to do something for yourself.

6. I’m taking out this year to focus on myself and no one else. My mental health, my physical health, my goals, my plans, my interests. Those are my main priorities.

I'm taking out this year to focus on myself and no one else. My mental health, my physical health, my goals, my plans, my interests. Those are my main priorities. - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUOTES

Start off with taking a week out for yourself. Do everything you want, unapologetically say no, try and remove yourself from situations affecting your mental health, engage in self-care and spend time with people you want to spend time with.

Taking care of yourself and taking time out for yourself regularly will make your work life better. You’ll see that you’re a lot more focused and dedicated.

7. You’ll never know if you don’t try.

You'll never know if you don't try. - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUOTES


You really won’t.

8. An open, positive mind is the cure to self-doubt.

An open, positive mind is the cure to self-doubt. - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUOTES

Open your mind up to new perspectives and engage in conversation where the other person has different opinions to you. This is a great way to learn and will make you think in ways you probably haven’t before.

Also, have a positive attitude when it comes to trying new things. Come out of your comfort zone and enjoy the experience.

All of this will eventually lead to more spontaneity and more excitement in your life. If you get slightly anxious when trying out new things, regularly forcing yourself (yes at the beginning you’re going to have to force yourself, it’ll get better over time, trust me) to come out of your comfort zone will lessen that anxiety.

With less anxiety comes less self-doubt.

9. I want to make the 10-year old me proud, the one that had hopes and dreams and thought she could do anything in the world.

inspiring quotes for women

It’s crazy how when we’re young we feel like we can do anything and be whoever we want, but don’t feel it as much when we grow older.

Think about the hope and excitement that you had when you were younger. As a child, you probably always wanted to grow up and become an adult – the reason we felt like this as kids is because the prospect of freedom sounded so exciting.

So, why is it that we limit ourselves when we’re older? Think about that.

Do some self-journaling or take a few minutes out to yourself to tap into that childhood feeling and remind yourself of that hope you had as a child.

10. It’s not impossible to make your dreams a reality. Some of the most successful people in the world started from nothing.

It's not impossible to make your dreams a reality. Some of the most successful people in the world started from nothing. - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUOTES

When its been a few months of you working hard on your project and you see no money coming on, it can put a damper on your mood and make you lose motivation.

But remember, some of the most successful people came from nothing, just type it in google and you’ll find a whole list of articles.

Keep working hard and you will find success. Working hard and having motivation will take you places even if it takes a bit of time.

Read ‘Motivate Is The Key To Success (Why You’re Not Achieving Your Goals)’ to learn about some tips to make the most out of your motivation.


This was the list of inspiring quotes about women! Let me know about your experience with quotes. What are some uplifting quotes you have read before? What is the most beautiful quote you’ve ever read?

Be sure to join the email list if you enjoyed reading this post. Along with tips on self-love, productivity, confidence and organization, we’ll be ‘analyzing’ personal development quotes together to aid you in your self-love and perosnal growth journey!